Thursday, June 11, 2015

Fundraising is underway for saving the 
Music and Athletic Activities!

Here are some events that are happening that will help keep the music and sports programs alive! If you have further questions regarding any of the events shown, please contact either the band or athletic boosters. 

Band Boosters is sponsoring a Luau Dance for students in grades 6-8. This will be a great way for the kids to finish off the year, and raise some money for the music program!  The dance will be held outside at the high school on June 12.

They also are planning an adults only Summer Concert to be held at the Sokol Club in Douglas on July 18 featuring "Harkness Road".  Tickets are $20, which also includes a spaghetti supper. Tickets are available at the Music Awards Night on June 11 @DHS, the Douglas Farmer's Market Lemonade Stand on June 27. You may also email the Band Boosters by clicking HERE.

Athletic Boosters are asking that any time you shop at you use the fundraising link for that is featured on their website.  By using this link, a portion of the sale is donated by Amazon back to the Athletic Boosters. This is an easy way to raise  money - especially with all the summer reading books students need to purchase! Parents who are looking for a great book for the beach or poolside, please consider shopping at and helping out the athletic boosters.

There are also a few events happening - on June 20 at the Habitat for Sports in Uxbridge there will be a Dodgeball Tournament at 5pm. A soccer clinic is being planned for August and this summer there also will be "Tuesdays at the Track" which will feature running races, jumping and throwing events for ages 2 and up! This will be a fun way to keep active over the summer, while getting together with friends for a great cause.  Please check out for more information.

Remember to stay informed, please contact

Thank you for supporting these organizations and our kids!

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